AX25 BBS UK Forwarding Regions
CHIRP Installer 20210724
CHIRP is a free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio
CHIRP Installer 20211105
CHIRP is a free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio
Running D-Star Repeaters Over 3G by G7UOD 2011
CRASH V1.3 XP Installation
Winlink 2000 – Configurations For Basic, Field and Emergency
Winlink Support For MESH Networks
javAPRSSrvr 3.15b08
javAPRSSrvr 3.15b07
javAPRSSrvr 3.15b06
javAPRSSrvr 3.15b05
javAPRSSrvr 3.15b03
javAPRSSrvr 3.15b02
javAPRSSrvr 3.15b01
javAPRSSrvr 3.14b06
TMC Radio MAP27 DLL v108
Milton Keynes Borough Geographic Profile
UK Band Plan Rev6 by GW6ITJ April 2013
Yaesu FT-817/857/897 Extended TX Software WidebanderV4
There are a few programs that do this job but none easier than ‘M0BMN’s’ WidebanderV4.