Whilst out walking in the neighbourhood I think I found one of the City Fibre equipment cabs (first 2 pics). Not to be confused with the smaller fibre distribution cabs (second 2 pics). Always poke my camera in an open cab !

This looks hopeful that City Fibre has finally arrived in my locality.
A number of fibre cables from the Exchange and bRAS start to run North from this small grass area just down the road towards the Centre MK and SMBA Bradwell Abbey Exchange.
A fibre cable running to the Bank of England runs under one of these network chamber covers using dark fibre provided by Zayo (formerly Geo). 186k was taken over by Geo Networks and further by Zayo, so it’s most likely under those 186k covers.
Cable landing stations come in various forms. Mainly industrial buildings but here is one on a housing estate hidden inside two houses. The inner walls and floors have been removed to house the fibre terminating equipment. The four large air con units outside give it away. The garage houses the backup generator.
Collected from a number of sources like Secret Bases and Internet Maps and some were painfully located on Google Maps by endlessly zooming and scrolling !
The physical connectivity of the Internet is of great fascination to me. From Submarine Cables and Cable Landing Stations to fibre ducts running up and down the country between Exchanges and POPs.